Michael Peaker MEmorial Trophy
Worrall Male Voice Choir Musical Grants Foundation continues to provide the support provided by Worrall Male Voice Choir to the David Clover Competition for Singers, the Sheffield spring music festival.
The Michael Peaker Memorial Trophy is awarded for the most outstanding performance of an aria or sacred song between the ages of 16-21. Recipients have been:
2006 Anna Harvey
2007 Robin Morton
2008 Zoe Bullock
2009 Harriet Eyley
2010 Elizabeth Newell
2011 Mathew Palmer
2012 Harriet Aspberry
2013 Abigail Kitching
2014 Judith Le Breuilly
2015 Olivia Caputa
2016 Tabitha Smart
2017 Mary Wilcock
2018 Caitlin O'Toole
2019 Georgia Sibley
2020 Anna Jelinek